White Days in Geneva

When the Bise winds come

Claude Hervé-Bazin
Stephan Torre
Winter 2023-2024

With each passing year, snow and ice become increasingly rare along Lake Geneva. Stephan Torre’s images ensure we will never forget those days of white magic.

With each passing year, snow and ice become increasingly rare along Lake Geneva. Stephan Torre’s images ensure we will never forget those days of white magic.

In February 1985, half a metre of snow smothered the city of Geneva in one fell swoop, as if by magic. For a fleeting moment, the lowlands became the mountains, and the frozen city became a haven for skiing in the streets. It was the snowfall of the century and a beautiful memory for Stephan Torre, a local photographer who is known for his snapshots of his hometown. Ever since then, he’s been on the hunt for white, snowy days in Geneva, and after 35 years of gathering images, he published his book Jour blanc in 2020: a tribute to the snowy days of Geneva’s past. A sort of “Proust’s madeleine” as he describes it, a way of reminding future generations of Geneva’s captivating winters, which are now fading away as global temperatures rise.

Stephan Torre lives to collect instants in time, whether from his bicycle, which he rides all over the city, or through the people he meets and the everyday moments he experiences while traveling the world. Shots of the Bains des Pâquis, Geneva in that moment between day and night, and the wind in the bay all embody his light-driven vision of this city’s uniquely fleeting landscapes, ephemeral emotions, and the passing of time.

It all started with photography classes in high school, 24x36 frames, pooling money with a group of friends to buy his first enlarger, and the red light and the smell of the chemical baths in the darkroom. Then there was his infatuation with concerts and popular rock bands. As the years passed, his passion only grew. “Photography is a way of life; it is part of me and always has been,” said Torre. “Taking photos is a way of capturing a moment, seizing it, composing it. It’s the way we see every little component of our surroundings, which all combine to make up life on our planet.” A testimony, an aesthetic, a search for meaning, and throughout it all, a singular vision that aims to pierce and conquer the mysteries of time.

What’s next for Stephan Torre? He’s beginning a new project and is still seeking additional partners for The 4 Seasons of Geneva, his next ode to his city.