About us
What’s in a name? In the case of helvet — an entire nation’s spirit. helvet is Switzerland. It embodies the soul behind Swiss-made and Swissness. It’s a tribute to all that this great country has done and will do.
helvet is the genius of watchmaking, the unparalleled beauty of the mountains, the thrill of freeriding, the taste of chocolate, the hope for a green future, and the vision of Switzerland as an oasis in a turbulent world. helvet is neutrality and expertise. It embodies both the local and the international. Side by side, en tête à tête. helvet is a promise of fulfilment, quality, luxury, and authenticity. It is a symbol of our know-how and our ability to pass that on — one foot planted in tradition and the other reaching forward to the future. It is the alchemy that connects yesterday to tomorrow and here to everywhere else.
helvet is a rally cry for celebrating everything the country is doing, embodied under a single brand name. With the dexterity of a Swiss knife, helvet acts as a bridge between the 1001 different facets that make up what it means to be Swiss. helvet was created to embody this message and to share it with the world – on paper, of course and in high-end magazines dedicated to the world’s greatest ski resorts, including Zermatt and Verbier. It’s about enjoying the best in life and the constant reinvention of what that means — from food and wine to the most modern superchalet with an echo of the mountains and forests in all of their glory.
helvet is Switzerland. Its logo unites the hashtag and the Swiss cross, a union of today’s digital era and the traditions that make us who we are.
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